Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Igen, ez a változás természetesen érinti az esküvődet is, de ha az esküvőipar is szinte percenként fejlődik, ha napról napra újabb ötletek és megvalósítások látnak napvilágot, akkor miért szerveznéd az esküvődet most is úgy, azon az elven, ahogyan tette azt a barátnőd 2 éve vagy tették a szüleid néhány tíz évvel ezelőtt?

Az esküvő szervezést is hozzá kell igazítani a változáshoz!

Nem engedheted meg magadnak, hogy ne legyen tökéletes az esküvőd. De mi kell ehhez? Hogyan érhetsz el fergeteges hangulatot? Esküvő szolgáltatók interjúi között számtalan meglátás olvasható:

"A jó szervezésen, és hogy a házasulandók, vagy a szülők ne izguljanak, hogy minden rendben lesz-e. Ezért javasoljuk az esküvőszervezőt."

"Az esküvő sikere szerintem több összetevős dolog; kell hozzá egy jó vőfély, egy nagyon jó zenekar, természetesen egy nagyon jó esküvőszervező, és a násznép összetétele is nagyban befolyásolja az esküvő sikerességét"

"Esküvőszervezőként arra törekszem, hogy megvalósítsam az ifjú pár álmait és vágyait; ami rájuk hárulna teher, azt átvállaljam, így biztosítva nekik a felhőtlen boldogságot a nagy napra."

Olvasd el HKG esküvői zenekar hogyan vélekedik erről.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Truly Auspicious Wedding Dates Are Not "Does One Date Fit All"Auspicious dates, determined by the aspects of planets that rule love, idealism, men, women, abundance etc are few and far between. It gets even harder to determine a lucky day when you bring in the factor of the two people that are planning a marriage charts.

A lucky wedding date needs to be analyzed from the couple's natal chart AND the proposed date of marriage.

"I know of only one way in which to select a propitious time for courtship and marriage. That is by consulting the progressed aspects made in the chart of birth. While there must be a progressed aspect to the ruler of the seventh house (marriage) or marriage will not take place, the dominant harmony or discords of the progressed aspects at the time largely determine how successful the particular marriage will be.

In the analysis of 100 charts of people divorced, as set forth in the book WHEN AND WHAT EVENTS WILL HAPPEN, it was found that at the time of their marriage 79% had discordant progressed aspects predominant, 52% had only discordant progressed aspects to the ruler of the seventh, 44% had only discordant progressed aspects to the ruler of the opposite sex, and 28% had only discordant progressed aspects to Venus, the planet of affection. All of these and 115 other charts analyzed in the same book at the time of marriage, had a progressed aspect to the ruler of the seventh house.

The analysis of the progressed aspects in the birth carts of these 215 people at the time of marriage emphasized the unwisdom of marrying at a time when the progressed aspects are dominantly discordant.

While of the 100 marriages resulting in divorce 79 had discordant progressed aspects dominant, only 3 of them had harmonious progressed aspects dominant, and the remaining 18 had harmonious and discordant progressed aspects at the time rather evenly balanced. Thus unless the progressed aspects at the time of marriage are dominantly harmonious the marriage starts under a tremendous handicap.

Next in importance to the dominant progressed influence at the time of marriage is the harmony or discord ot the progressed aspects to the ruler of the seventh. In 52 of the marriages resulting in divorce the only progressed aspects to the ruler of the seventh were discordant, in 17 they were harmonious only, and in the balance they were about evenly balanced. Thus marriage at a time when there are no harmonious aspects to the ruler of the seventh is rather hazardous.

The significant factor however is this: "Quite a percentage of these people who divorced, later remarried when their progressed aspects were harmonious, and made a success of the later marriage."
CC Zain, "Occultism Applied" Brotherhood of Light.

If your looking for a date that will significantly increase marital success you are lucky. 2007 and 2008 and 2009 all have two very special aspects forming once only each year. The Moon/Venus and Neptune will be forming Grand Trines. The moon rules the mentality, Venus rules love and the desire to feel something, and Neptune rules Utopian ideals. A Powerful combination for marriage. T

The magic dates are 1/5/07 - 13/6/08 and 28/7/09

You will need to consult an astrologer to draw a chart for the place where you plan to wed, and have him or her give you a time on that day when Venus is in the house of marriage. It will depend on where you live and what time zone you live in.

Good luck in your endeavors.

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information and all live website link as above.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Feng Shui and the Chinese Calendar - 2007 The Year of the Fire Pig

The Chinese have a unique calendar system that provides us with information about prevailing elemental influences at any given point in time. It makes use of the five elements – water, wood, fire, earth and metal - and their cycles, to determine the various aspects affecting the world.

In Chinese astrology the Pig has many attributes that make up its character. The Pig is honest, simple and reliable. He is also an easy going personality, yet with a strong loyal streak.

2007 is the year of the Fire Pig and it is influenced by two elements – fire and water. This coming year is represented by the image of Yin Water sitting below Yin Fire. In accordance with the destructive cycle of the five elements – Water conquers Fire. Therefore, they are elements in conflict with the Water yielding the most influence as it is in the foundation. This elemental relationship represents a time less peaceful than 2006, with tensions, agitations and unrest. These two elements together can also bring about more accidents involving trains, air travel and shipping. There is also the possibility of fire disasters and explosions.

The Yin Fire sitting atop the Water Pig symbolises a year of struggles. However, the wood hidden within the Pig indicates new beginnings and the possibility of ‘something better to come’. The Pig also brings with it, in general, more travel than last year.

The Chinese calendar moves in cycles of sixty years. So, the last time we experienced the year of the Fire Pig, was in 1947. The second world war was over and yet, we could see 2007 as a little more turbulent. Whilst history tells us that overall, there was more co-operation in 1947, the Cold war between America and Russia began as did the battles between Pakistan and India.

The industries likely to perform well during the year of the Fire Pig are those related to the elements of Earth and Metal. Some of the industries related to the Earth element are Mining, Property, Insurance and the Chemical sector. The Metal industries such as Skincare, Machinery and Hi-tech/Computer businesses ought to see strong activity. The Wood industries; e.g. fashion, textiles, publishing, paper, forestry – will be productive but not as strong as in 2006. In general, the stock market will fare well from about February until June/July. Nevertheless, investors would do well to be cautious after this point.

The businesses most challenged during the coming year are those of the Water and Fire elements such as shipping, communications, entertainment, and airlines.

Traditional Chinese medicine is also based on the five elements and their cycles. Fire rules the heart whilst Water governs the kidney. However, Yin Fire in particular, also represents the brain, eyes and nervous system. Consequently we may see an increase in health issues relating to anxiety, depression, insomnia and even an increase in obesity. As a result, we need to pay attention to heart and mental health issues this coming year. It is also vital that this year, everyone gives their health greater consideration. Improving the immune system should be a top priority in the event of any widespread epidemic.

During 2007 there will be a clash that occurs for people born in the year of the Snake. Therefore these people should wear the symbol of the Tiger for protection. It also means that Snake people may feel restless and want to move house, change career and travel more – however, it is recommended to not travel in the Northwest direction.

For those born in the year of the Pig it is also advisable to carry or wear a Tiger pendant or charm.

With respect to Feng Shui you will find a troublesome influence coming from the Northeast bringing with it difficulties and obstacles. If this part of your home or business is very active; e.g. entrance, family room, passage or living area then this energy needs to be dealt with by placing an all-metal wind chime or bell in this area particularly during the months of February, August and November. The Centre will require a string of six meta coins to be placed in this area, and this is particularly important if this is the kitchen or a major thoroughfare.

Finally, do not sit with your back against due West whilst working. It’s also advisable to not carry out large-scale construction work in the Northwest for the coming year, as this is the location of the ‘Grand Duke’. Place a Dragon Tortoise to the Northwest should your home face this direction.

Juliana Abram is one of the leading Feng Shui consultants in Australia having been traditionally trained in Hong Kong by Chinese Feng Shui Master Raymond Lo.

Juliana specialises in ‘Flying Star’ Feng Shui and the Four Pillars of destiny.

Juliana runs her own Feng Shui consultancy ( see http://www.fengshuicentre.com.au ) and her own online Feng Shui store ( see http://www.fengshuishop.com.au ).

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The History Of Tarot - the 4th Son Of Ramesses II - Khaemwese

I personally believe that the symbolic system, which is portrayed in the tarot system, was started through the knowledge, which a pharaoh prince named Khaemwese had or gained from his ancestors.

To be even more precise he was the 4th son of Ramesses II (also known as Ramesses the Great), because Ramesses II became so old and hereby ruling for so long, he outlived some of his sons. It is well known that Ramesse the II favorite son was Khaemwese which he praised with many titles. For me personally there relationship seem much like Dozer’s and Imoteps relationship, that it can amazed me of their likeness. Khaemwese would make himself noticed through all of his many talents, just like Imoteps once did 1000 years before Khaemwese’s time. Archeologists believe Khaemwese was born while Ramesses was still young, even before he was crowned. His mother is said to be Queen Istnofred (Isisnofret). Ramesses the II most famous wife was Nefertari, but his second wife which was Queen Istnofred (Isisnofret) was probably as great an influence as Nefertari. She would be the queen who gave her king the greatest sons/men of his time, namely Merenptah and Khaemwese. Merenptah would be Ramesses the II successor and Khaemwese would until this very day capture the attention of the one who listens.

Khaemwese was said to be very intelligent, and had a very deep love for his ancient ancestors. But this was only one among the many talents which this person seemed to have had. In ancient text, he earned a reputation which today eludes the public, still. He became Ramesses II favorite son, even thou he wasn’t a war hero like his father. Khaemwese was the greatest magician of his time, and a scholar, remembered for over a thousands years after his death. I would call him ‘the Imoteph’ of his days, which I believe can still be seen. And when his tomb like Imotephs tomb is found, wonders will be revealed – it could be that their tombs are empty, like some others are… An inscription from him can be found at the Serapaeum at Saqqara, where he states that he was at a very young age when he joined the Ptah priesthood, thereby dedicating his life to the knowledge of Ptah. Ptah was a God, the god-father of The Triad of Memphis, his wife was Sekhmet and his son was Nefertem. But Ptah was a kind of description of the priests that was dedicated to the 'knowledge of truth - Matt' (another form of this could be the later 'wisdom Lovers' – philosophers Plato Socrates and such people).

Some believe that the Tarot deck first came about around the 16th - 17th century, but I personally believe it was here even before 13 century. Dear Sir Michael Anthony Eardley Dummett dismiss the idea that the Tarot system came about before 18th century, but he does admit that the system was in use in other ways.

Personally I don’t believe this, Sir Michael Anthony bases his thoughts on the mere fact that no evidence has been found so fare, which would pre-date the 17 century. I perfectly understand why he is not able to state any theories, like I can. When a person becomes a scholar/professor and even a Sir, their statements will be noticed in a totally new light. Many people tend to ‘believe’ what is stated not understanding that it is so fare only on a theory level. So usually Professors keep their theories to the private hours, I personally think this is sad because their theories are as valuable as their known knowledge. From a theory comes and idea, and from the idea and the theory together a reality can accrue (or so I think). As I try to state as often as I can, I truly love all the universes teachers, but a teacher will always need his/her students questions, also the ‘why’. I personally believe a teacher is the worlds’ most lazy student, never ending his or her terms, because they KEEP ahead of his or her students, so their can guide them in the best manner, and with moral (which apparently the world is in a total lack of).

Gian Giacomo Girolamo Casanova was born in 1725 in Venice, he was not like the many romance thoughts that exist about him. Rather he was a man of many scandals, he was accused of raping a young girl, and he had dug a freshly buried body up, just for playing a particle joke (no respect for the ones that have passed on).

In July 1755, at age thirty, he was arrested and convicted for his interest in magic (witchcraft) by the Inquisitori di Stato in Venice, and imprisoned in "I piombi" ("The Leads"), a famous prison attached to the Doge's palace.
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giacomo_Casanova

Now I personally believe that it is here we first see Casanova had knowledge of the tarot cards. He is said to have had a young Slave/prostitute/peasant named Za�re, this girl would lay a deck a cards and tell people about their fortune – a fortuneteller. For his companion in those days to do such with cards, is in fact Tarot readings.

Other evidence shows that Sir Michael Anthony Eardley Dummett could be very mistaken in his thoughts about the tarot deck.

It is believed that it was in 1499 when France conquered Milan that French and Swiss soldiers first were introduced to the Tarot deck of Milan.

The misconception about fortuneteller could in terms be said to be the understanding about the tool in itself. Actually it is not the ‘tool or the object’ that contains the ancient old ‘Heka / Essen’s of Magic’, it will always be the life force in itself. The tool which at first was just numbers has through time now been classified as ‘Numerology’. The next tool was the word or the letter, which was at times combined with the numbers, which would give a more accurate telling. When the time of the ancient Assyrians and Aztecs, and Egyptians and Sumerians, it was them all combined into an image.

Around 1465 50 Copper-engraved plates/images emerged, which is probably where the Milan tarot deck came from. These copper engravings were not cards, but rather images portraying that cultures god system and its symbolism.

The first known tarot deck of 78 cards was commonly known as Visconti-Sforza Tarot deck (Trionfi /Trump), and this deck of cards came from the old ruling houses of Milan and Lombardia. In each level the information was rapped into symbolic meanings, which have their roots in ancient times. Like with so many other words, they change through time, through systems (either it be school or religion and so on). Tarot is a modern word, for this kind of card-readings, Tarok is an older and a more northern word. The oldest word known for this conception of symbolism in an image was the word ‘Trionfi’. In a handwritten letter dated to 1442, it refers to the word Trionfi.

The original note states: "MCCCCXLII Maistro Iacomo depentore dito Sagramoro de avere 10 fiebraro per sue merzede de avere cholorido e depento le chope e le spade e li dinari e li bastoni e tute le fegure de 4 para de chartexele da trionffy, e per farle de fora uno paro de rosse e 3 para de verde, chargate de tonditi fati a olio, le quale ave lo nostro Signore per suo uxo; tanssa i prexii per Galiota de l'Asassino chamarlengo de lo prefato Signore de chomissione de lo Signore, in raxone de lire zinque per paro .......... L.XX"

To Maestro Jacomo Sagramoro, painter, 13th day of April, five or 20 lire marchesane for two of his orders, that is to say one for his trouble in having painted the backs of one pack of triumph cards, which Piedro de Schiveto had for the use of the aforesaid our Lord, and for his trouble of having painted one box with the arms of the said Lord, which Maestro Nicolo had from the crossbows to hold the "vere" (arrows ?) when the Lord shot the crossbows, as in the "Journal AA" of ussita, at c. 30 ... L. V.

- The painter was paid for having colored the cups, swords, coins and batons and all the figures of 4 packs of trump cards and making the backs for a pack of red cards and 3 packs of green ones, embellished with roundels painted in oil, which our Lord has for his use.

Tarot symbolism has changed a lot through the century the symbolic system could also be called Alchemy decks. Because the symbolism, that are illustrated in the decks, even today, is the 12th century alchemy symbolism. Much of the alchemy symbolism is much like the symbolism in a tarot deck, only meaning different things. I personally see it as a writing system, pretty much like the ancient hieroglyphics.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Planet Sedna, the 6th Sign?

The newest addition to our solar system is Senda; what does it mean? And will it impact all the Astrology Signs? NASA released the story that they discovered a new planet in our Solar System, 6.2 Billion miles from Earth called Sedna. The Actual discovery date was Nov. 14, 2003, the story was announced March 15, 2004. It is named after the Innuit Goddess of the Ocean. To make this discovery all that sweeter the story was released about the Hubble Telescope’s discovery on the eve of it’s discontinuation by NASA, for safety and financial reasons. This discovery seems to have saved the fate of the Hubble (for now at least). Does this mean that the Virgo’s of the world now get a new lease on life and the Archetype that represents the Virgin? Or does it impact on of the other astrology signs? It will take time to tell. Sedna moves very slowly and currently is making it’s way through the last decan (10 degrees) of Taurus.

In order to understand how Senda affects all the astrology signs, let’s take a brief overview of the Sedna Myth. It starts with Sedna as a young girl being forced to marry a man she is not interested in. Senda has very long hair that she is known to sit and brush for hours. Despite her arguments and protestations she is made to marry this man who is beak-faced and lives on an inhospitable Island, where he takes her once they are wed. As his wife she is miserable, forced to live in a cold, bleak environment and eat nothing but fish. She is so unhappy that she sends word back home of her plight and begs to be rescued. Her father and male relatives come by boat to get her, but once she is in the boat with them, her husband who has become a giant bird attacks them relentlessly. The men then throw Sedna overboard in their attempt to save themselves. As she clutches the side of the boat, they hack at her fingers to get free of her, and these digits break off to become the seals, sea lions and whales of the ocean. Sedna then sinks to the bottom of the sea where she rests in turmoil and causes sea storms and environmental havoc. Only the Innuit Shaman who can leave their body to visit her in the Ocean depths can appease this. She is only calmed when they brush her long hair. Now we can begin to answer the question of which astrology sign she seems to fit with.

The name Sedna comes from the mythology of the Innuit people and relates closely to the sea, sea mammals and the shamanic depths of transformation, as well as betrayal. At first glance this may seem to fit for several astrology signs, especially Scorpio. If you have seen the movie, ‘Whale Rider’, you can see the close connection with the Sedna myth in this story as well. One thing that this powerfully feminine archetype does for the planetary weightings of the Zodiac is that it (finally) begins to rebalance the Masculine-Feminine polarity to a more equal level among the planets (it has thus far been dominated by male archetypes). While Astrologers will no doubt hotly debate which Astrology Sign Sedna belongs to (Virgo, Libra, Taurus and Gemini are all candidates), eventually ephemeris data will be collected and become available, you’ll hear more as time progresses. A good argument can be made that Sedna belongs to the Astrology Sign of Virgo, the Virgin huntress. A connection to Vigo also exists in the Archetype of Virgo, which contains within it the myth of Persephone who was kidnapped by Hades, God of the Underworld as her mother, Demeter grieved.

In order to find the proper Astrology sign for Sedna to rule we will need to observe what happens in our world. At the deepest level the Archetype of Sedna seems very much connected to the idea of personal freedom, choice and consequences, especially of an overwhelming nature or connected to Natural Disasters. These have increased since Senda’s discovery, namely with Hurricane Katrina and the Indian Ocean Tsunami. As the most outspoken proponent of global ecological responsibility, Al Gore has become a public figurehead for this subject. And with Sedna currently closing in on his Natal Venus (values) he has been making a major statement about our collective need to change our global values and priorities and make Green the highest of priorities. This alone makes a strong case for Senda belonging to the Astrology sign of Virgo and seems to fit squarely into the overall theme of Senda. The good news about a new planet is that with each new discovery a level of consciousness is always awakened on a global scale. With Senda’s discovery, the Greening of our mass consciousness seems to be on the rise. And eventually Astrologers will (perhaps) agree on an Astrological sign for Senda to belong to.

Aura "The AstrologyChick" is a professional Astrologer and timing expert. Her articles and quotes have been featured internationally and in Newstand Magazines like "In Touch" and "OK Magazine." For weekly and monthly Horoscopes - visit Real Accurate Astrology for current events and useful updates from AstrologyChick.com.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Barack Obama's Numerology: Will He Be Our Next President?With his rock star like charisma, Barack Obama is the first African American with a real chance to become President of the United States. The latest ABC News polls show Obama trailing Hillary Clinton by just 12% of the vote; half of her lead from the previous month. With his popularity on the rise, what does Numerology say about the next (3) years for Barack Obama?

As a Numerologist, if I want to see what's in a person's future I look at (3) main calculations: their Life Cycles, their Letters of Transit and their Personal Year. These values give me a hint of what could be in their future.

His Life Cycle

Barack Obama entered his second life cycle in 1995, and it ends in 2022 on his 61st birthday. This cycle demands a great deal of hard work from him. He often feels restricted during this cycle. Obama is receiving many opportunities to lay a strong foundation for success in his life. The challenge of this life cycle is to look at life clearly; to see it as it is. He must develop a practical view of life.

Since this covers the years of his political career to date, I'd say this fits the bill. The only thing missing here is the changes I would expect to see from a Presidential candidate. Usually running for President would tend to fall towards the end of a Life cycle.

His Transit Letters

Transit letters are calculated from a person's full birth name and are the most detailed predictor of events unique to an individual. Barack Obama's Transit letters remain the same from his birthday in August 2006, through August 2009; no dramatic changes during this time.

He has a transit letter of 'E' which marks a time of rebellious behavior; He is striving for freedom. He will experience exciting changes, opportunities for travel and meeting new people in these years. What could be more fitting for a politician in a national campaign.

His transit letter of 'O' marks a time of calm and serenity in his life. He will accept responsibilities and experience improved finances during this period. This shows that he can handle the rigors of the public spotlight easily. He has no problems dealing with the campaign, and apparently campaign finances will not be a problem for him.

His transit letter of 'R' marks a time of great compassion and creative energy in his life. He is filled with ambition and frustrated by recurrent delays in his plans. This tells me that he will run a solid, even brilliant campaign, but that the results may not be to his liking.

His Personal Year

2007 is a personal year (3) for Barack Obama. This is a time of happiness; his creativity will prosper this year. Things are looking up for him this year. This however, is not a good year for him to make important decisions, they should be delayed until 2008.

As for his prospering, I think this is a good time to be building his national identity and name recognition; but I'm not sure that getting the nomination is in the cards for him.


In summation, though Barack Obama's chart shows a career on the rise, I don't think that it shows the drastic changes in the immediate future I would expect to see in a presidential nominee. I think it far more likely that a long range building of his career is indicated; perhaps the role of Vice-President on the Democratic ticket. This would be more fitting with his chart; continual build-up to a higher office down the road.
Numerology and Thirteen; Number of TransformationWhy do we consider the number thirteen to be unlucky? What is there about it that causes us to lump it with black cats and broken mirrors as something to avoid?

Many people choose to stay home, and avoid meetings on Friday the 13th, though few could tell you why this superstition exist. Many office buildings and hotels skip the number 13 in their numbering of floors, or rooms. We even have terms, such as a baker's dozen, which we can substitute for thirteen.

Thirteen men sat at Jesus table for the Last Supper, and afterwards he was betrayed by Judas. Thirteen is the number of the Death card in the Tarot, but it doesn't actually portend a physical death as some cards do - it is a card of transformation and change.

Thirteen in Numerology

To both the numerologist and the tarot reader, thirteen is a number of transformation. It usually leads to a destruction, a tearing down of the old structure, followed by a rebuilding in a new, often better form. It is never an easy process, and requires hard work and persistence to see it through.

Thirteen in a numerology reading, calls for a testing of your basic principals; what you believe in. It attracts changes in your fortunes that lead to shifts in your world view. It reduces to a (4) a number rooted in practical matters, and hard work. It will tend to bring opportunities to recreate yourself, but only at a cost.

So, don't be afraid of the number thirteen. Instead treat it as the ancients did; as a divine and powerful number for change.